ISSN: 2222-6990
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This research aims to characterize the cosmetics purchasing behavior of Generation Y female Muslims in Thailand and to investigate its possible antecedents. A sample of Generation Y female Muslims from the southern border provinces of Thailand was surveyed for this study. The purposive sample method was used to select 123 respondents from their population. Information has been gathered from the respondents using a self-administered questionnaire. The study's objectives were met by analyzing the survey data using descriptive statistics. Both the cosmetic purchasing behavior of Generation Y female Muslims and the factors that may influence these habits are detailed in the findings. Results revealed that most of them positively perceived halal cosmetics products. It can be concluded that the consumers' intention to purchase halal cosmetic products is determined by perceived usefulness, attitude, and perceived value, followed by Halal awareness and innovativeness. Cosmetic manufacturers and marketers must ensure that their products signal positive images to fit the expectations of Generation Y female Muslim consumers. Generation Y consumers are information technology savvy and have access to vast information about products. As a result, the findings reiterate that Generation Y consumers demonstrate different purchase behavior, which is worth exploring by future researchers.
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(Hayeemad & Soliman, 2023)
Hayeemad, M., & Soliman, M. (2023). Explaining Consumer Purchase Intention of Halal Cosmetics among Generation Y Consumers: A Case in Thailand’s Southern Border Provinces. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 3177–3193.
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