ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The article outlines some of the status quo of research and potential of nudge and digital nudging in the field of journalism, especially in terms of news consumption and opinion shaping. A nudge is a gentle and subtle prompt or encouragement designed to influence someone’s behavior or decision-making without being forceful or coercive. By combining theory and journalism practice, the paper provides insights into how this concept can be applied to influence public cognition and behavior, particularly in relation to news media. Standing from a technical philosophical stance, the paper argues that nudge technology can be positive or negative depending on the ethical considerations involved and the intentions of news producers and interface designers. Finally, the paper proposed measures to effectively apply digital nudges in creating a virtuous journalism environment. The findings from the paper are relevant for researchers interested in understanding how media can shape our opinions and behaviors, including journalists, researchers, policymakers, and members of the public.
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