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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Performance Implications of Sustainable Project Management in Emerging Economies: Does Operational Excellence Matter

Andrews Kyeremeh , Tetteh Francis Kamewor

Open access

While it is expected that sustainable project management may enhance construction project success, the mechanisms and conditions under which sustainable project management may enhance project success is less understood. Drawing insights from the natural resource based view and survey data from 200 senior managers of construction firms in Ghana, we found support for the argument that sustainable project management is important in the quest to improve project success. Our findings also suggest that operational excellence does not just influence project success but serves as a transformative mechanism to reap superior success of construction projects in the resource constrained environment. Our findings make contemporary contribution to project management literature as well as important managerial guidance for managers in the construction space in resource constrained regions like SSA. The outcome of this study offers an important extension to the frontiers of sustainable project management literature. It also provides practical insight to practitioners in the construction setting by emphasizing the need to pay crucial attention to operational excellence as well as encouraging the acceptance of sustainable project management in the quest to reduce construction project failures.

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