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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Cultivating Virtual Success: Exploring the Influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance

Sulaiman Nayea AL Neyadi, Teh Zaharah Yaacob, Hanini Ilyana Che Hashim, Mohd Zulfabli Hasan, Yogeeswari Subramaniam, Logaiswari Indiran

Open access

Organizational culture is a crucial player in organizational performance. It impacts the ability of employees and leaders dramatically in fulfilling their roles. Adding to this, the virtual context of the global situation expedited its implementation is jeopardizing the organizations' success. Succeeding in managing the impact of virtual settings in organizational culture requires strategies that will lay the foundations for a positive organizational culture in a virtual setting that enables leaders to be more effective in virtual settings and practice their rules as influencers and drivers of success. It was indicated that organizational culture plays an important role in employees’ performance throughout the virtual setting, especially during the pandemic. However, there is still a research gap in the impact of organizational culture on employee performance in the virtual setting. A review of literature related to organizational culture, employee performance, and virtual settings was conducted by analyzing different research papers and articles. The result revealed that organizations should promote trust-building behaviors to build a positive culture and strengthen the bonding and dynamics of teams in virtual settings. Indeed, it is important to ensure that leaders have adequate competencies, skills, and techniques. The challenges and styles of leading in a virtual setting require training and development to be an effective leader who manages to achieve organizational targets. Due to the swift transition to a virtual working environment globally, it is critical to understand how employee performance and leaders are impacted by the new working arrangement.

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