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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Planning For Sustainability: Leveraging Csr to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Tuan Sharifah Azura Tuan Zaki, Nor Hafizah Abdullah, Muhammad Fazil Ahmad

Open access

In today's business world, it's crucial for organisations to align with sustainability goals for ongoing growth. This paper aims to create a clear plan that shows how initiatives for sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices are connected and influence each other. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), introduced by the United Nations in 2015, consist of 17 goals to tackle global challenges and promote sustainable development. These SDGs offer a comprehensive framework for dealing with worldwide issues. Like many other countries, Malaysia faces various obstacles to sustainable development. In the organisational context, CSR practices play a role in supporting the SDGs, ensuring a balance among the needs of all stakeholders.

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(Zaki et al., 2023)
Zaki, T. S. A. T., Abdullah, N. H., & Ahmad, M. F. (2023). Planning For Sustainability: Leveraging Csr To Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 6131-6139.