ISSN: 2222-6990
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For decades, entrepreneurs' contributions have utmost importance towards national economic growth and society. Their presence creates employment opportunities, thus prosper the socio-economic development in the country. Nevertheless, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor statistics of 2017, signifying otherwise, Malaysia's entrepreneurial intention rate (17.6%) is much lower compared to other Asian countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea and Vietnam. Thus, there is a need for an investigation to determine the determinant factors affecting entrepreneur intention among local graduates. Digital entrepreneurship education is a new approach and an important challenge for education to prepare students for technological change. Digital entrepreneurship is an important opportunity through which Malaysia is attempting to encourage economic growth and job creation. Therefore, this study intends to focus on the understanding of digital entrepreneurship education and other factors such as entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial orientation impact on intention through entrepreneurial readiness, social norms and perceived behaviour control since the aim of Entrepreneurship Action Plan-Higher Education Institution 2021-2025 is to produce entrepreneurial graduates and sustainable, competitive graduate entrepreneurs.
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