ISSN: 2222-6990
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The global adoption of electronic monitoring with integrated AI for surveillance is increasing. More empirical studies on its application, especially in the context of developing nations, are needed. This study investigates the utilization of the application in Bangladesh and its impact on employees. It integrates the panopticon model and involves two stages of data collection, with the participation of 37 employees from three private universities in the first round and two case studies in the final round. The research outcomes revealed a few forms of usage applications. One of the case studies’ findings was presented in this paper. The research revealed and explained panopticon effects captured at the individual level of social actors framed in an electronic panopticon setting. Varying perspectives were found regarding how effective electronic monitoring enhances work motivation. The observed panopticon effects were contingent upon a foundation of trust between the social actors—employees and management—regarding the technology being used and the mutual benefits gained. The extended panopticon model with refined conceptualizations is adaptable to explain the complex dynamics of behavior in the workplace. The research has managerial and policy implications for organizations operating in a country with a different surveillance culture than a Western-oriented workplace.
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(Mannan & Rohaya, 2024)
Mannan, M. S., & Rohaya, M. N. (2024). An Empirical Study into the Effects of Electronic Monitoring on Employees in Bangladesh. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 731–756.
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