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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Stage of Student Mastery of the Usul Qiraat of Imam Ibn Kathir in Surah As-Sajdah

Nur Sakiinah binti Ab Aziz, Nik Nur Solehah binti Khairol Izaneiy, Kasimah binti Kamaruddin

Open access

The world's agricultural sector is now working towards sustainable use of resources and high productivity. The oil palm industry that has been developed for the past four decades is now a major contributor to the agricultural sector and the well-being of the country's people. Even palm oil plants are no exception to being developed sustainably. The popularity of palm oil production is incredible. About 10 percent of the world's agricultural and plantation activities are global oil palm plantations. The methodology of this study uses a content analysis research design, the data collected is analyzed through a descriptive approach with a combination of qualitative approaches that is analyzing text including analyzing documents such as official reports, circulars, annual reports, departmental reports, financial plans, reports agencies, and transcripts. This article discusses the use of oil palm agricultural land in Malaysia for Islamic economic development. The results of the study found that agricultural jurisprudence in Islam can increase the yield of oil palm farming holistically, increase the national income, emphasize nutritional products that are halal taiyyiba and clean. The Ministry of Agriculture should pay serious attention and hopefully play its role in promoting the growth of the agricultural sector in accordance with Shariah.

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