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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Analysis of User Satisfaction of Academic Digital Library: An Empirical Model with Mediating Effects

Mohd Razilan Abdul Kadir, Ahmad Zam Hariro Samsudin, Mohd Ridwan Seman

Open access

The role of Academic Digital library (DL) in our educational system has becoming of paramount important in bringing education knowledge and information closer and faster to academic users. Moreover, through the fast-changing development of the information and communication technology, it is further positively proliferated the sphere of information diffusion. This paper aims to investigate the academic digital library effectiveness towards selected public university students in fulfilling their study needs. A total of seven latent variables proposed in building PLS model in examining the relationships between Information Quality, Service Quality, System Quality and DL Collection, and Student Satisfaction. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that the mentioned relationships were mediated by Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness. A survey method is opted and a total of 200 students were randomly selected. The PLS model results indicated that about 76%, a satisfactory percentage of variance accounted for in the DV, is explained by the IVs. However, Service Quality was the only IV that showed no direct effect on Student Satisfaction. Moreover, findings also revealed that mediating effects might not be critical in describing the posited relationships however it might offer a new point of view in examining DL effectiveness (due to some significant results shown) and could make meaningful contribution to the literature in other research setting.

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