ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This review aims to analyze Indonesian stakeholders' psychosocial support in mental health issues by exploring the legislation and the prevalence. Despite legislative and policy efforts to address mental health issues, access to mental health services in Indonesia remains limited, with only a small percentage of individuals with mental health issues receiving treatment. The article identifies various challenges facing Indonesia's mental health system, including a lack of resources, stigma surrounding mental health, insufficient training among healthcare providers, high costs of treatment, cultural factors, and a lack of political will to prioritize mental health. A comprehensive legal framework for mental health services is required to address issues such as access to mental health services, the use of evidence-based treatments, the protection of the rights of people with mental health conditions, and the provision of adequate resources for mental health services. The article emphasizes the need for a comprehensive legal framework for mental health services in Indonesia. Addressing these challenges will require a multi-faceted approach, including increasing investment in mental health infrastructure and resources, raising awareness and reducing stigma, improving healthcare provider training, and improving access to affordable mental health services for all Indonesians. This information is valuable for policymakers, healthcare professionals, and individuals interested in mental health advocacy and reform in Indonesia.
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