ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The researcher's interest in the implication of technology among digital users has mushroomed in the last few decades. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic hitting globally, all sectors, including education, must indeed shift their systems, procedures, and operations to online platforms, especially in teaching and learning among educators and students all over the world. Technological stress is comprehensively reported in the literature, where the students likely experience technostress due to the demands of academic-based assignment requirements and expectations of the digitally enhanced learning process. This study investigated the relationship between technostress creators (Techno-uncertainty, Techno-complexity, Techno-invasion, Techno-overload, Techno-insecurity) and students’ productivity. In addition, the researchers aimed to identify which technostress creators are the best predictors of students’ productivity. The study was conducted at a public university in Sarawak, Malaysia, and collected 129 valid responses by utilizing a convenience sampling technique and an online self-administered survey. This study’s findings provide a significant relationship between technostress creators and students’ productivity. Furthermore, Techno-uncertainty, Techno-invasion, and Techno-insecurity predicted unique factors that affect the students’ productivity in their learning. In conclusion, the findings may open an opportunity for the institutions to provide dynamic, friendly, and supportive learning systems, and strengthen trust relationships among students.
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