ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Employee turnover, especially among millennials, has become a phenomenon and a significant concern to the organisation as the trend has increased over the years. Hence, the organisation needs to understand them and address employee turnover among millennials. Drawing on Malaysia as a case study, this study examines different approaches to retaining millennials in the workforce regarding work attitude (career development, work-life balance, and job security) to help millennials integrate and retain them. A questionnaire was administered to 384 respondents in private sector employees and analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The survey results revealed that promotion, work-life balance, and job security positively correlate with employee retention. Given the findings, this study addresses the approach to employee retention effects for theory and practice in managing human resources in organisation. The findings can be applied to other developing countries with similar characteristics to understand their millennials.
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