ISSN: 2222-6990
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Science of “al-tafsir” (Qur’anic interpretation) is among the most comprehensive branches of Islamic knowledge which draws upon a variety of fields of knowledge in order to bring forth the nuanced and cryptic meanings. This paper will study one of the early Qur’anic interpretations which is the interpretation of Abu Hafs an-Nasafi in Al-Taysir fi al-Tafsir. Al-Taysir fi al-Tafsir is considered to be one of the essential references in the subject of Quranic interpretation. Science of “al-qira?at” (the science of Qur'anic recitations) is adopted by Abu Hafs an-Nasafi to form the scientific foundation for Al-Taysir fi al-Tafsir. However, his viewpoints on the science of “al-qira?at” and the sciences associated with it are not systematically organized and randomly dispersed which complicates corroboration of assertions in his work related to the science of “al-qira?at”. Hence, this study aims to extrapolate his interpretation by compiling his thoughts on a number of topics relevant to the science of al-qira?at and related studies as well as verifying with evidence from the science of “al-qira?at”. This paper employed inductive and analytical techniques to collect, analyze, and present the necessary information. This paper found that Abu Hafs an-Nasafi presents his opinions on the subject in a variety of ways. His approaches include a brief introduction in one section of his interpretation and the extension of it in a separate section. For example, in the topic of “the Differences in Qur'anic Expressions and Their Similarities”, it can be observed that the topic is divided into the fifth, ninth, and thirteenth sections. He would also express important viewpoints at the later sections such as his discussion of the requirement for accurate qira?at. It can also be observed that the topic is presented without weighting such as his opinion on al-ahruf assabaah (The Seven Letters), which he later adopts in his review. This paper helps contributing to facilitate researchers in related study by systematically compiling and emphasizing the interpretation.
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(Hassan & Al-Shawagfih, 2023)
Hassan, A. Bin, & Al-Shawagfih, M. M. (2023). Opinions and Selections of Abu Hafs an-Nasafi in the Science of Qur’anic Qira?at and Related Sciences in Al-Taysir fi al-Tafsir. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 2963–2969.
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