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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Language Learning Strategies Used by ESL/EFL Learners: A Systematic Review (2019 – 2023)

Anthony Anak John Peter, Harwati Hashim

Open access

Language Learning Strategies (LLS) have been studied and proposed by numerous scholars for decades since the 1970s to help ESL and EFL learners improve their English language skills around the globe. However, most researchers employ a quantitative approach by conducting cross-sectional studies to investigate the frequency of LLS use among L2 learners. More attention should be paid to the factors affecting the use of LLS. This review investigates the most and the least frequently used LLS utilised by current ESL and EFL learners to enhance their language skills. Thirty-two articles were carefully selected out of 348 from Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC) and Google Scholars databases, from 2019 to 2023, for final consideration. The findings confirmed that metacognitive strategies, a component of the indirect category, were the most preferred by ESL and EFL learners.
On the other hand, both memory and affective strategies were the least employed by the group, as mentioned earlier by learners. These strategies belong to direct and indirect classes, respectively. The leading focus group in the bulk of the studies was university learners compared to the primary and secondary students. Hence, this finding implies the need for more studies to be carried out in the latter fields, including elementary school and professional individuals, to provide a better understanding for all. This review aims to illustrate the recent trends in the LLS domain to the stakeholders in the educational sector, which in turn could help them apply the relevant pedagogical approach in teaching ESL and EFL learners. More studies should be carried out in different settings and by employing more qualitative methods since digitalisation in the education field is becoming increasingly prevalent.

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