ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The integration of Web 2.0 technologies, particularly Social Networking Sites (SNS), in Malaysian secondary classrooms has gained significant attention in recent years as it is expected to exert a substantial impact on both teaching and learning. With its emphasis on independent learning, active involvement, and connectivity among learners, Web 2.0 realigns traditional teaching methods. The use of Web 2.0 tools in ESL classrooms has been the subject of numerous research. Thus, inquiring about the benefits of Web 2.0 in teaching English in Malaysian Secondary Schools is necessary. This research proposal details the research methodology, instruments, analysis procedures, and expected outcomes. The methodology involves a quantitative approach encompassing surveys as the primary data collection method. Surveys will be administered to students to gather quantitative data, which will be analyzed using descriptive statistics. The expected outcomes include a clear understanding of the benefits and challenges of Web 2.0 integration in Malaysian secondary school ELT from a quantitative perspective, the development of a practical framework for educators based on quantitative findings, and the recommendation of pedagogical strategies tailored to the Malaysian ESL classroom environment grounded in quantitative data. The research questions are grounded in two fundamental variables: exploring the benefits of Web 2.0 tools in language learning and examining how pedagogical approaches can effectively integrate Web 2.0 into ESL classrooms, considering the varying proficiency levels of learners. Ultimately, this research aims to contribute valuable quantitative insights for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders in the field, facilitating the effective utilization of Web 2.0 technologies to enhance the quality of English language instruction in Malaysian secondary schools.
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