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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Concept of Zaman & Jihah in Arabic Verb with Comparative in English Verb

Khairul Anuar Jali, Harun Baharudin

Open access

The concept of zaman and jihah is an important element in language learning, especially when learning languages that use different zaman and jihah systems such as Arabic and English. Understanding and mastering this concept will help in conveying and understanding information accurately about the time of action or event. Therefore, this concept paper is designed to analyze and explain the similarities and differences between the concepts of zaman and jihah found in both languages, namely Arabic and English. The approach used in this study is through a contrastive analysis approach referring to previous studies and related books as references. This research findings indicate that there are some similarities and differences in terms of zaman and jihah between Arabic and English verb. It is hoped that the results of this study can help especially students who want to understand the Arabic language by making a comparative between the English language.

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