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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Help-Seeking Behaviours among Suicide Survivors

Mariatul Umeera Muhd. Dahaban, Zaikiah Mohd. Zin, Sheikh Shafizal Sheikh Ilman, Nadia Hani Jahaya, Abu Bakar Rahman, Mohd Izwan Shahril

Open access

Suicide is a significant global public health problem that remains the leading cause of mortality on a global scale. Evidence shows that individuals who have seek treatment are more likely to seek care following a suicide attempt. Surprisingly, existing data also shows that help-seeking for suicidality is low, with 55% of individuals who commit suicide having no contact with primary care providers in the month before the suicide and 68% having no connection with mental health services in the year before suicide. Via this concept paper, the gaps in help seeking behaviours between the time before the suicide attempt and after receiving the psychological intervention is explored. Understanding these gaps would greatly assist the relevant stakeholders in developing effective intervention programmes in suicide prevention.

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(Dahaban et al., 2023)
Dahaban, M. U. M., Zin, Z. M., Ilman, S. S. S., Jahaya, N. H., Rahman, A. B., & Shahril, M. I. (2023). Help-Seeking Behaviours Among Suicide Survivors. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 3539–3545.