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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

MOOC Design Phase: Nominal Group Technique in Determining the MOOC Elements Using Relative Importance Index (RII)

Ruslina Ibrahim, Helmi Norman, Norazah Nordin, Hafiz Zaini, Fairus Hamdan, Rohani Aziz, Fatin Nabilah

Open access

This article discussed on how nominal group technique (NGT) helps to determine the elements in online learning environment via Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) to be developed. The expert’s perspective collected and processed using the scientific computational of Relative Important Index (RII) formula in relation of selection elements were presented and interpreted in the finding section. The determinant of agreement by experts in field of educational technology who make independent decision about the features of the MOOC were taken into consideration. It was found that the elements suggested were accepted as the design for MOOC with acceptable weight of RII value. through the determination of the essential elements developed in this design phase, then the researchers are able to develop a learning environment based on the agreed elements with high and accepted RII values.

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