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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Language Attitudes and Motivation of ESL Secondary School Students

Mohamad Noh Mustafah Hussain, Nik Nur Adnin Nik Anuar, Norshamshizar Abdul Jalil, Nur Ainil Sulaiman

Open access

English is recognized as one of the most important languages in the world as it plays a significant role in business, education, and information technology. Therefore, developing a strong command of the English language is essential. However, motivating students and changing their attitude towards learning English remains a challenge. This study aims to investigate the attitude and motivation of secondary school students in learning English at a secondary school located in Kuala Lumpur. Data were obtained from 37 Form 4 secondary school students using modified version of AMTB (Attitude and Motivation Test Battery) questionnaire. The overall findings revealed that the majority of students showed high levels of motivation in their language learning endeavors and were predominantly driven by both instrumental and integrative factors. Understanding these motivational factors enables educators to design language learning programs that foster authentic language use, cultural exchange, and students' overall language proficiency.

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(Hussain et al., 2023)
Hussain, M. N. M., Anuar, N. N. A. N., Jalil, N. A., & Sulaiman, N. A. (2023). Language Attitudes and Motivation of ESL Secondary School Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 3991–4003.