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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

ChatGPT: Investigating Academic Staff's Awareness and Utilization in Teaching and Learning Strategies

Zarith Sofia Abu Zahri, Puspalatha V. Chanthiran, Melor Md Yunus, Karmila Rafiqah M. Rafiq

Open access

This study examines ChatGPT, an AI-based virtual communication platform developed using the Generative Pre-trained (GPT) tool, in Malaysia’s higher education context. The study aims to investigate the understanding of academic staff regarding ChatGPT and its use in teaching and learning strategies. Using a quantitative research method, specifically an online questionnaire, the study collects data from 52 participants who are TVET lecturers in one of Malaysia's polytechnics. The findings suggest that academic staff generally need more exposure to the functions of ChatGPT, and lecturers do not emphasises maximise the ChaBased on the findings, it appears that academic staff would benefit from more exposure to the various functions of ChatGPT. Additionally, it seems that lecturers may not be fully utilizing the potential of ChatGPT in their teaching and learning approaches. Age and teaching experiences is not a significant factor affecting the utilization of ChatGPT. The study finds that despite the popularity of ChatGPT, there are still academic staff that have low mastery of its general functions, and there is minimal utilization of ChatGPT in teaching and learning. The emergence of such sophisticated technology raises concerns about academic dishonesty, and lecturers' lack of awareness may have severe implications for academic integrity. Therefore, educators must equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively monitor and prevent academic dishonesty. The research study suggests that additional investigation is necessary to fully investigate the potential benefits of ChatGPT in education. It is also important to address any ethical or practical concerns that may arise from its use. Despite its worldwide popularity, some academic community members still need to familiarise themselves with this built AI chatbot.

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(Zahri et al., 2023)
Zahri, Z. S. A., Chanthiran, P. V., Yunus, M. M., & Rafiq, K. R. M. (2023). ChatGPT: Investigating Academic Staff’s Awareness and Utilization in Teaching and Learning Strategies. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 4030–4043.