ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The effectiveness of technology as a method and approach in education is one of the results of technological revolution in the rapid developing education. The use of technology as a tool includes learning the use of technology itself, the readiness of educators and students in using modern equipment and its effective use. This rapid development requires awareness of the values and morals as well as ethics that need to be implemented in the learning of the new millennium. This study analyzes documents from the collection of Risale-i Nur by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, an interpretation of Quran, applying values from the light of monotheism (tauhid) and Islamic light to be applied in educational technology. The study focuses on Nursi major writing which are Damascus Sermon (Nursi, 2014), Al-Kalimat (Nursi, 2011a) or The Words (Nursi, 2011d) and Al-Lamaat (Nursi, 2011b). The focus is to find definition of values that are defined with explanatory, the need for values in education, as well as the importance of developing ethical values in Islam are discussed. The themes extracted on values from the Risale-i Nur are (i) hope, (ii) enthusiasm, (iii) cooperation, (iv) honesty, (v) kindness, (vi) believing, (vii) love, (viii) trustworthy, (ix) sincerity, (x) patience, (xi) respect, (xii) keeping promises and (xiii) awareness. Each value discussed is not only for the importance of integration in educational technology, but these values are also part of human development values that acts as a cure for spiritual illness as well as personal development in the modern age.
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