ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Implementing smart technologies in teaching in line with the aspirations of Education 4.0 is extremely important. An emerging global issue is how to ensure 4.0 technology-assisted teaching methods produce differentiated instruction or personalised learning adapted to different types of student backgrounds, including student profiles and demographics, learning performance level, socio-economic status, attitudes, and interests. Teacher 4.0 is a concept adapted for future teachers with the ability to handle new technology and implement it efficiently in their classes. The role and ability of Teacher 4.0 in integrating smart technologies into teaching can no longer be denied but the extent to which such teachers are skilled in producing effective differentiated instruction to meet the various requirements of students remains questionable. A systematic review of Teacher 4.0 in differentiated instruction will help overcome this problem. Therefore, this study proposes a comprehensive process to collect and extract literature to address this research gap and analyse the most significant studies on Teacher 4.0 in differentiated instruction. Research papers from Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholars databases were retrieved and 18 articles were finalised for inclusion in the study. The results indicated that the predefined requirement criteria for Teacher 4.0 in differentiated instruction were not always satisfied, with few studies reporting on the issues. Thus, a conceptual research framework measuring the effect of Teacher 4.0 in differentiated instruction should be developed. This could provide evidence to determine the effectiveness of Teacher 4.0 roles in catering for the disparate range of student capabilities.
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(Masdoki & Din, 2023)
Masdoki, M., & Din, R. (2023). Teacher 4.0: Its Role in Differentiated Instruction. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13(12), 4490–4507.
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