ISSN: 2222-6990
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The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased job stress for healthcare workers in hospitals who are directly involved in caring for COVID-19 patients. The unique challenges posed by the pandemic, including the increased workload, risk of infection, emotional strain, and witnessing the suffering and loss of patients, have heightened stress levels. The objective of this study is to identify the level of job stress among healthcare workers in a local hospital working with COVID-19 patients, as well as to investigate the relationship between job stress and coping strategies. This study used a non-experimental quantitative research design. The data was gathered from 120 healthcare workers who worked with COVID- 19 patients in a hospital. This study used a Perceived Stress Scale with a five-point Likert Scale and a Brief COPE scale. The results showed a moderately correlated relationship, r (120) = 0.33, p<0.001 between job stress and coping strategies among healthcare workers in a hospital working with COVID-19 patients. The level of mean job stress is 2.87 (0.63). Recognizing the consequences of job stress and employing coping strategies are crucial steps in minimizing job stress among healthcare workers. Job stress can be reduced by making a few modifications in leadership styles and reassigning tasks. The adaptation of optimistic and confrontational coping strategies by healthcare workers to reduce job stress should be advocated and encouraged in their jobs.
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