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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Open access

This study underscores the pivotal role of ethics in education management for ensuring the delivery of quality education and holistic student development. In the Malaysian context, implementing ethical principles faces unique challenges, with policies often posing significant barriers. The provision of high-quality education is at the core of a nation's educational system, requiring strategic initiatives to meet the demands and complexity of the 21st century. The study delves into ethical dilemmas in school administration, emphasizing the importance of character, virtues and integrity. It explores instances of moral and ethical actions, highlighting associated difficulties and concluding with proactive approaches to foster a moral and supportive learning environment for the next generation of leaders. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the vital role of ethics in Malaysian education, addressing challenges in a changing landscape and advocating for aligned curricula with evolving job market demands. It explores ethical dilemmas, promoting fairness, integrity and accountability, while underscoring the significance of ethical principles in fostering excellent character, professionalism and ethical leadership. Overall, the study offers crucial insights for shaping the future of education in Malaysia and beyond, guiding the development of ethical leaders.

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(Sakiman & Yasin, 2023)
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