ISSN: 2222-6990
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Student’s academic success depends mainly on their academic achievement motivation. This study aims to review the factors that enhance the students’ motivation. Four factors are discussed in this study, namely, theory and framework to enhance motivation, mode of learning, educational tools design, and educational psychology. The past literature studies revealed that researchers incorporated various theories and frameworks in their research to achieve certain goals. The mode of learning like collaboration activities via online and face-to-face classes affects the motivation in learning. The design of the educational tools is found to be effective in heightening the students’ learning motivation, specifically, incorporating game elements in educational tools improves students’ learning motivation. Studies conducted to increase motivation through educational psychology include increased learning willingness which lowers anxiety and leads to an increase in motivation to learn. The implication of the review study can help in increasing the awareness of the researchers in making a conscious effort to incorporate effective ways that can increase students’ learning motivation.
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