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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Study on Comparative Adaption of Educational Tools in the Institute of Higher Education: Post Pandemic Perspective

Asif Mahbub Karim, Tariqul Islam Chowdhury, Ajwaad Mahbub Karim

Open access

The global COVID-19 pandemic has spurred unprecedented challenges across all sectors, with the educational landscape experiencing a paradigm shift in response to the crisis. This study delves into the comparative adaptation of educational tools in institutes of higher education, offering a post-pandemic perspective. As educational institutions worldwide grappled with sudden closures and the need for remote learning, the adoption of diverse educational tools became imperative for sustaining academic continuity. This comparative analysis explores how different higher education institutions navigated the challenges posed by the pandemic, emphasizing the varied approaches taken to adapt educational tools. The study investigates the efficacy of virtual classrooms, online collaboration platforms, and digital assessment methods employed by these institutions, shedding light on the technological strategies that proved most successful in maintaining academic standards. Furthermore, the research delves into the socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of educational tools, recognizing disparities in accessibility and technology infrastructure among diverse institutions. Insights gained from this research contribute to the ongoing discourse on the future of higher education, offering valuable lessons for institutions seeking to enhance their resilience in the face of unforeseen challenges. The findings also inform policy decisions aimed at fostering inclusive and effective educational practices in a post-pandemic era, fostering a more robust and adaptable higher education ecosystem.

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(Karim et al., 2024)
Karim, A. M., Chowdhury, T. I., & Karim, A. M. (2024). Study on Comparative Adaption of Educational Tools in the Institute of Higher Education: Post Pandemic Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(1), 414–426.