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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Effect of Business Intelligence, Digital Transformation and Digital Leadership on Employee Satisfaction within the Commercial Banking Sector in Jordan

Khaled Khalaf Alafi

Open access

This study examines the mediating role of employee engagement and perceived organizational support on the effect of business intelligence, digital transformation and digital leadership on employee satisfaction within the Commercial Banking Sector in Jordan. The questionnaires were distributed to 276 employees of the Commercial Banking Sector in Jordan. This study employed partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) and analysed the research hypotheses. The results found that business intelligence has significant and positive effect on employee satisfaction. While digital transformation and digital leadership have insignificant effect on employee satisfaction. However, the results showed that business intelligence, digital transformation and digital leadership have significant and positive effect on employee engagement and perceived organizational support. Moreover, the results indicated that employee engagement and perceived organizational support have partial mediating effect on the effect of business intelligence, digital transformation and digital leadership on employee satisfaction. notably, previous research found no relationship between the factors of interest and either employee job satisfaction or the value that businesses provide to their customers. Leaders in the digital space advocate for new ideas, teamwork, and easy access to data. By implementing the right digital technology, digital leadership can boost workplace innovation, efficiency, and productivity. By easing the process of change management, advocating for digital transformation, and making rational judgements, digital leadership helps businesses succeed. Employee performance, digital skill development, and company goal attainment are all positively impacted by digital leadership, according to the research. Leadership in the digital age is a shared and not just the leader's role due to the rapid pace of technological change.

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(Alafi, 2024)
Alafi, K. K. (2024). Effect of Business Intelligence, Digital Transformation and Digital Leadership on Employee Satisfaction within the Commercial Banking Sector in Jordan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 14(1), 2874–2894.