ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This research employs a multi-case analysis and semi-structured interviews with executives from Tesla China, NIO, Wuling, and BYD to explore the catalysts and barriers to disruptive innovations in China’s New Energy Vehicle (NEV) market. The findings reveal a shared commitment to advancing battery technology, sustainability, and user experiences. The study identifies collaboration and government policy support as key factors facilitating infrastructure expansion. It underscores persistent challenges, including infrastructure deficiencies, complex regulatory procedures, customer acceptance hurdles, and cost constraints. The paper scrutinizes the strategic measures adopted by these firms to address these challenges, underscoring the pivotal role of government policies in shaping the industry’s trajectory. In summary, the insights garnered augment the comprehension of the dynamic Chinese NEV industry, offering a comprehensive perspective on the factors steering innovative breakthroughs. This research serves as a valuable guide for industry practitioners and policymakers in navigating the challenges and fostering sustainable innovation in this rapidly evolving sector.
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