ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The agenda for wildlife conservation is a global agenda supported by all religious beliefs and schools of thought. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), founded in 1948, demonstrates the collective concern of nations towards wildlife. Although the teachings of Islam permit humans to engage in hunting activities to fulfill human nature, Islam strongly opposes the phenomenon of wildlife extinction resulting from uncontrolled and poorly monitored hunting activities. Prohibitions in the form of legislation or regulations should be placed under the responsibility of the authorities or the government. However, the form and procedure of the prohibition that is enforced needs to be carefully studied and scrutinized in order to be in line with the will of the Shariah without compromising Islamic principles that require hunting and require the use of animals. This study will thoroughly examine contemporary issues related to wildlife hunting that are debated among scholars and the community. The research conducted is using qualitative methods through observation of a collection of life issues obtained through documentation and semi-structured interviews. Document analysis is carried out by referring to the dimensions of Maqasid Shariah expressed by the scholars and the debate presented through the current fatwa. The findings of the study show that a conducive and comprehensive guideline based on the Maqasid Shariah method needs to be created to unravel the issue of wildlife extinction that is being faced. At the same time, this study tries to prove the superiority of Islamic teachings to interact with current issues across time and location.
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