ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study aims to investigate the relationship between self-control and academic procrastination from a general perspective. Extensive data were collected through surveys employing the Aitken Academic Procrastination Inventory and the Self-Control Scale administered to 446 college students in China. The findings indicated a significant negative relationship between self-control and academic procrastination (r = -0.623, p < 0.01), with self-control acting as a negative predictor of academic procrastination. This discovery offers valuable insights into comprehending the relationship between self-control and academic procrastination. Furthermore, the implications of this study extend to educators, counselors, and policymakers, providing guidance for the formulation of targeted strategies and initiatives aimed at enhancing students' self-control capacities, effectively mitigating academic procrastination tendencies, and thereby enhancing students' academic achievement and overall well-being.
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