ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Motivation is crucial in organization’s and is required to improve employee performance in a positive way. Motivation in the military refers to a willingness to perform one of the most arduous tasks imaginable, defending their nation. This study investigates how motivation factors (i.e., superior’s leadership style, working environment, career development) affect work performances among instructors at the Army Training Centers in Peninsular Malaysia. Approximately, 1,500 people are working as the instructors at the Army Training Centers. Thus, the sample size of the respondents taken for answering the questionnaire are 306 samples from the whole from 34 Army Training Centers. The instructors participated voluntarily in this study by completing survey questionnaires. A probability sampling, which is basic random sampling, has been used as a sample approach. series of statistical analysis were applied including descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regressions analysis using the SPSS software. The results of the study indicate that leadership styles, distinct environments of the instructors, and career were found to have significant influences on work performance. The findings of this study shows that the way a superior lead and the working environment are connected. They affect each other indirectly and also influence how well the instructors do their work, for example, getting good guidance from a boss makes the instructors work better and more energetically.
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(Shani & Zahari, 2024)
Shani, M. H., & Zahari, A. S. M. (2024). Motivation Factors and Work Performance at Malaysian Army Training Centre’s. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(4), 1128–1139.
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