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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Social Movement Framework of Ikatan Muslimim Malaysia (ISMA) in Outdoing Malaysia Transgender Phenomenon 2014-2020

Jaffary Awang, Muhamad Sa’dan Abdul Aziz, Nur Farhana Abdul Rahman

Open access

This study aimed to develop a social movement framework for Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (ISMA) to address the transgender phenomenon from 2014 to 2020. The presence of transgender individuals in Malaysia, documented since the 1980s, became a focal point for ISMA, which experienced significant social changes and led a movement addressing this issue. A qualitative method was employed to analyze documents from ISMA’s website over this period. The data were categorised into several themes and coded using Nvivo.The findings revealed that ISMA had undergone social changes in addressing the transgender phenomenon, based on concepts of gender equality, social participation, universal religious perspectives, and specific transgender laws. These findings confirmed that ISMA experienced a social movement aimed at addressing the transgender phenomenon in Malaysia. The study identified six key variables: belief, organisation, involvement, strategy, and effect. According to Lofland’s theory, the social change within ISMA led to a social movement with positive impacts on the NGO's efforts to address the transgender phenomenon. Further studies on gender equality should be carried out on other NGOs such as pro-LGBT NGOs in Malaysia with semi-structured interview to understand and evaluate their school of thought.

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(Awang et al., 2024)
Awang, J., Aziz, M. S. A., & Rahman, N. F. A. (2024). Social Movement Framework of Ikatan Muslimim Malaysia (ISMA) in Outdoing Malaysia Transgender Phenomenon 2014-2020. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(5), 1851–1864.