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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Pornography Addiction Issue: A Counselor's Experience in Handling Interventions Using Islamic Cognitive Behavioural Theory (I-CBT)

Nurhikmah Mubarak Ali, Muhamad Zahir Othman, Muhammad Baqir Abdullah, Nor Hernamawarni Abdul Majid, Samsiah Jayos, Farah Hanani Kamaruddin

Open access

Pornography is an act that is not good and unacceptable because it is not only prohibited from an ethical and moral perspective but also in terms of religion. Pornography is also a form of sexual exploitation that is traded. The objective of this article is about counselors' experiences in handling interventions using Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy (i-CBT) with clients experiencing pornography addiction issues. The research methodology is qualitative, using a case study method. This article is presented in a narrative form. The respondent is someone addicted to pornography at a critical level and is still in the process of recovery. The counselor has used interventions using the i-CBT module to guide the client in recovering to be more rational with professional assistance. Based on this intervention experience, it is found that there are still effects of pornography addiction that disturb the respondent's thinking in daily life. This counselor's experience can help other counselors in designing effective Islamic counseling approaches to address these issues, whether at the protection, prevention, or recovery level. There are eight techniques in ICBT outlined in this article as a guide for counselors. Additionally, future researchers should focus more on seeking interventions related to desires (nafs).

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(Ali et al., 2024)
Ali, N. M., Othman, M. Z., Abdullah, M. B., Majid, N. H. A., Jayos, S., & Kamaruddin, F. H. (2024). Pornography Addiction Issue: A Counselor’s Experience in Handling Interventions Using Islamic Cognitive Behavioural Theory (I-CBT). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(5), 973–980.