English language education in Malaysia traditionally relies on conventional face-to-face instruction, introduced at an early age. However, the 2019 pandemic necessitated a shift to online learning. This study investigates the attitudes and perceptions of secondary school students in Petaling Jaya regarding the efficacy of English language learning during the endemic phase. A total of 50 students, aged between 13 to 17 years, participated in the study, providing their insights through a questionnaire featuring a Likert scale (ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree). The questionnaire consisted of two parts: Part 1 captured demographic information, while Part 2 delved into the study's main themes. The findings revealed that a majority of respondents expressed strong agreement regarding the significant improvement in their speaking and reading skills through online learning. A considerable proportion of students found online learning highly beneficial for acquiring new skills. Additionally, the instructional materials provided by teachers in online learning environments and the engaging activities and discussions facilitated a deeper understanding of the subject matter. While technology undoubtedly offers numerous benefits in the realm of education, it is essential to recognize that each learner possesses unique characteristics, preferences, and learning styles. Therefore, future research endeavors should strive to address the complexities associated with individual differences among learners.
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