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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Integration of Rebt-Tazkiyah Al-Nafs Approach on Emotional Intelligence and Resilience of Undergraduate Students during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Haslinda Hussein, Ku Suhaila Ku Johari, Rorlinda Yusof

Open access

Emotional intelligence and the resilience of students are essential aspects, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Movement Control Orders have shifted the learning system from face-to-face to remote learning. Psychological services and counselling have also felt the impact of these developments. Therefore, this study aimed to explore undergraduate student's perceptions of emotional intelligence and resilience in facing challenges during the pandemic. The research design used a qualitative approach with structured interview protocols. The study participants consisted of five undergraduate students in their first and second semesters, aged 19-22 years, voluntarily participating in this research at the Teacher Education Institute Campus. Data was analysed through coding and theme generation. The study found that students are aware of the emotions and thoughts they experience. Additionally, students' motivation is derived from social and spiritual support. Furthermore, student teachers build their resilience through three sources: emotional regulation, social relationships, and survivor mentality. The study revealed that emotional awareness and motivation helped students understand emotional intelligence, while resilience helped students face the challenges they encountered.

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