ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This research examined the relationship between perceived management support and Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation, focusing on employee efficacy as a mediating factor within the healthcare sector in Palestine. The mediation design provided a nuanced understanding of how management practices influence quality management initiatives. Using a quantitative research approach, this study targeted healthcare workers in governmental hospitals. Data was collected from a sample of 120 participants selected through systematic random sampling. The data were subsequently analyzed using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. Results revealed that perceived management support significantly impacts TQM implementation, with employee efficacy acting as a critical mediating factor. Additionally, the findings emphasize the crucial role of management support in enhancing employee efficacy, which in turn promotes more effective TQM practices. The number of studies evaluating the impact of perceived management support on TQM implementation within the healthcare sector is limited. By adopting a holistic approach to investigate the mediating effect of employee efficacy between perceived management support and TQM implementation, the study significantly contributes to the literature and methodological understanding in this field.
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(Salahat, 2024)
Salahat, M. (2024). How Does the Relationship between Perceived Management Support and Total Quality Management Implementation is Mediated by Employee Efficacy? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(6), 1727–1737.
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