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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Effect and Relationship on Learning Strategies of Collective Piano Classes in the Context of Preschool Education

Xiong Xiaowei, Zuraimy Mohamed Noordin

Open access

This study explores the impact and interplay of learning strategies in collective piano classes within the context of preschool education, focusing on first-year undergraduate students at Jiangxi University of Technology. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research investigates how cooperative learning and individualized teaching strategies influence students' piano proficiency and practice habits. Qualitative data, gathered through semi-structured interviews and content analysis of course materials, are analyzed using thematic analysis in NVivo, providing insights into students' and teachers' experiences and perceptions. Quantitative data, collected via surveys and academic records, are examined using statistical analysis in SPSS to assess the effectiveness of these learning strategies and their long-term impact on students' musical development. The study is grounded in Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory and Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences, offering a nuanced understanding of the social and cognitive aspects of learning in group piano instruction. Findings aim to contribute to the pedagogical practices in music education, particularly in the realm of collective piano teaching for early childhood education. This research not only addresses a gap in the current literature but also provides practical implications for enhancing the quality of music education in preschool settings.

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(Xiaowei & Noordin, 2024)
Xiaowei, X., & Noordin, Z. M. (2024). The Effect and Relationship on Learning Strategies of Collective Piano Classes in the Context of Preschool Education. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(6), 939–947.