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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Systematic Eclectic Method and Its Relationship with Arabic Teacher’s Efficacy

Burhanuddin Uzer, Harun Baharudin

Open access

The systematic eclectic is one of the methods that is used for Arabic Teaching in ?religious primary schools and it is important for Arabic ?teachers to achieve their efficacy. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of the systematic eclectic method and the efficacy level ?among Arabic teachers and its relationship between both. This study is a quantitative ?design using descriptive survey methods. The respondents ?consisted of 108 Arabic teachers in Sepang district who were selected using a ?purposive sampling method. A questionnaire instrument was used to collect data in this study. This instrument is divided into three parts namely demographic information, the systematic ?eclectic knowledge level and Arabic teachers efficacy level. The data was analyzed ?through descriptive statistics and ?also inferential statistics. The analysis showed that the level of systematic eclectic knowledge and the level of teachers efficacy was moderately high. This finding also shows that the systematic ?eclectic method has a strong relationship with Arabic teacher’s efficacy. Therefore, the results of this study will give implications to Arabic teachers and ?Department of Islamic Religion in Selangor to improve the quality of teaching and to ensure ?that Arabic teachers efficacy was in a good condition.

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(Uzer & Baharudin, 2024)
Uzer, B., & Baharudin, H. (2024). The Systematic Eclectic Method and Its Relationship ?with Arabic Teacher’s Efficacy. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(7), 1103–1119.