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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence, Human Capital on Sustainable Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Malaysia

Hanan Ahmed Abdallah Al-Balushi, Harcharanjit Singh, Fatema Salim Rashid Al Shibli

Open access

The performance of manufacturing companies in Malaysia’s was the main emphasis of the current study. The Malaysian economy has deteriorated because of the manufacturing sector’s deficient performance and low GDP. Thus, this conceptual research goals to study the correlation between artificial intelligence and sustainable performance. The research also examines the mediating role of human capital between artificial intelligence and sustainable performance. Present research revealed comprehensive discussion on how enterprise artificial intelligence impact sustainable Malaysian manufacturing performance. This research highlighted the key value of artificial intelligence and sustainable performance for the consideration of the owner/managers of Malaysian SMEs in the manufacturing sector. In addition, Resource-Based View (RBV) theory and Dynamic Capability Theory (DCT) were employed in this research to examine the impact of artificial intelligence and sustainable performance and the mediation impact of human capital between artificial intelligence and sustainable performance. The research used systematic literature to build its conceptual model. Based on the conceptual model build; present research theorised that the is a positive relationship between artificial intelligence (human capital and sustainable performance) there is also a positive relationship between artificial intelligence and sustainable performance. In addition, the research posits that human capital mediate the relationship between artificial intelligence and sustainable performance. There are several implications of this conceptual framework for theory and practice are discussed. Future research should conduct an empirical testing to analyse the results.

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