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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Balancing Bytes and Behaviour: Integrating Technology and Human Factors in Public Sector Performance Management

Hafezah Zainudin, Nooraini Othman, Asymal Wajdi Mokhtar@Muhd Akhir

Open access

This study examines the integration of technology and human factors in public sector performance management, highlighting the synergy between digital tools and human-centric practices. It explores the role of technological advancements, such as data analytics and AI, in enhancing efficiency and decision-making processes, while also addressing the critical importance of leadership, organizational culture, and employee engagement in ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of these systems. This study proposes a human-centric design framework that prioritizes user experience and accessibility, emphasizing the balance between technological efficiency and empathetic management. Additionally, it discusses the challenges of integrating technology, including resistance to change, ethical considerations, and the need for sustainable practices, while also exploring opportunities for innovation through emerging technologies like AI and blockchain. The study contributes to the ongoing discourse by offering a conceptual framework for balancing technological and human elements in public sector performance management, providing insights for policymakers and public sector leaders.

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