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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

To more understanding the "Halal" market and the Islamic Consumer-Factors affecting the Islamic Purchasing Behavior

Sedki Karoui, Romdhane Khemkhem

Open access

"People buy things not only for what they can do, but also for what they mean". As a new Islamic way of consumption is increasingly growing, concerns about understanding the Islamic consumer behavior has arisen. This paper aims to predict the underlying motives behind specific mode of consumption. It mainly approaches the variables affecting the Islamic consumer behavior from a different perspective.
By using the theory of the postmodern tribalism (neo-tribalism) as a heuristic tool, this paper attempts to present new insights about the Islamic consumer purchasing behavior by exploring some of his/her psychosocial traits. This paper basically assumes that the contemporary rise of Islamism can be treated as one manifestation of the postmodern globalized condition, turning Islamic groups into postmodern tribes.
Although religion and religiosity can have a significant influence on the Islamic consumer behavior, they are not the exclusive factors lying behind it. The Islamic consumer is typically an identity seeker; he feels proud, happy, and pious when he/she buys something referring to Islam. In addition, to his/ her mind, Islamic goods symbolize the sense of belonging and solidarity within an imagined Islamic community.