ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Divorce is the description (event) of divorce (between husband and wife). Divorce means ending the marriage relationship either by the husband's choice or by the judge's decision. Divorce literally means to separate. In terms of the law, it means the collapse of the marriage relationship and the severing of the relationship between husband and wife due to reasons. Divorce involves the breakdown of friendship between two families, children, the court and society. It's not something sweet. But it is very bitter and painful for those who go through it. Therefore this study aims at how to deal with it. The objective of this study is to find out how divorce is resolved in Southeast Aceh. The methodology in this study is qualitative in nature by interviewing four single mothers and relevant institute officials. The researcher also included library resources for this study such as journals, articles, theses, dissertations, case statistics from the Southeast Aceh Syariah Court and also KHI Law records. The findings of the study show that divorce cases in Southeast Aceh can be resolved through various means, including individually, economically, socially and finally legally in Southeast Aceh.
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