ISSN: 2222-6990
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The application of flipped classroom in education has been researched. However, few studies have simultaneously focused on the effects of flipped classroom on students’ motivation, engagement, and achievements, especially in business English writing. This study explores the changes in performance, motivation, and engagement before and after the flipped classroom and studies the effect on business English writing performance, engagement, and motivation. The study selected 30 students. The research tools mainly include pre- and post-learning tests, engagement questionnaire, motivation questionnaire and business English writing rubric. The research found that: (1) students' performance was improved in flipped classroom; (2) students' extrinsic motivation was reduced, but intrinsic motivation significantly improved; (3) students' engagement was also enhanced; (4) There is a positive impact between learning achievement, motivation and engagement. Future research expands the scope of the study to examine the effectiveness and correlation of students' motivation and engagement in flipped classroom.
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