ISSN: 2222-6990
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In recent years, the significance of organizational culture in managing employees has garnered increasing attention among organizations. Past research has highlighted its role as a decisive factor influencing employee motivation and job performance. However, there have been inconsistent findings regarding the relationship between organizational culture and job performance, particularly within the context of Malaysia, where limited studies exist. This paper aims to explore the influence of organizational culture on job performance among operators in one manufacturing company located in western Peninsular Malaysia. To conduct this research, data was gathered from 102 operators using a questionnaire consisting of 38 items. The Japanese Organizational Culture Scale was employed to measure the level of organizational culture, while the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire assessed job performance. The collected data underwent analysis using both descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. The results of the study revealed a high level of organizational culture and job performance within the studied population. This suggests that operators perceive the organizational culture practiced in the studied company as positively impacting them and enhancing their job performance. Additionally, the findings established a significant effect of organizational culture on job performance among the studied population. Lastly, the researcher identified areas for potential improvement in future research.
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