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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Business Knowledge's Efficacy in Developing Islamic Values for Students in Islamic Institutions of Higher Education

Noorkartina Mohamad

Open access

Value creation or extraction is the activity of entrepreneurship. This definition views entrepreneurship as a transformational process encompassing values beyond economic generation. Without question, entrepreneurship plays a significant role in the nation's process of growth and economic progress. There is a microscopic study on the comprehension and efficacy of entrepreneurship knowledge itself, despite higher education institutions equipping their students with it in the hopes that they will launch their careers. Thus, this study's goal is to investigate how well entrepreneurial knowledge contributes to the development of Islamic principles at the Institute of Islamic Higher Studies. 292 students from the Islamic Institute of Higher Education were shown the questionnaire. Out of the total responses, 122 were male and 170 were female. Notably, 71.9% of participants expressed satisfaction with acquiring entrepreneurship knowledge. The survey's findings also revealed that students at Islamic universities are content to study entrepreneurship and comprehend how Islamic principles like Siddiq, Amanah, Tabligh and Fathonah are applied in the field. Thus, through entrepreneurship courses in their respective educational institutions, all student groups need to be introduced to Islamic values in entrepreneurship. Additionally, to aid students—especially Muslims—in deepening their grasp of Islamic principles in business, the Ministry of Higher Education can encourage all higher education institutions to provide courses on Islamic Entrepreneurship.

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