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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Fostering Innovation Leadership Culture and Balanced Scorecard Performance in Life Insurance Agencies: Insights from Malaysia

Tun Norasida Aziz, Nor Adilla Tajarahim, Norfarah Syahirah Mohd Fadzilah, Tun Mohd Firdaus Azis

Open access

This study investigates the relationship between effectiveness of innovation leadership culture on balanced scorecard performance in life insurance companies in Malaysia Innovation leadership culture refers to the organizational ethos that promotes and sustains innovation through leadership practices, while BSC performance represents the holistic measurement of organizational success across financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth perspectives. Drawing on a review of existing literature and empirical data analysis, this research examines how innovation leadership culture influences various dimensions of BSC performance. This research uses quantitative analysis. The population of the research is among agencies sales manager in life insurance companies that register under LIAM. The findings highlight the critical role of innovation leadership culture in fostering organizational innovation and its subsequent impact on BSC performance. The results contribute to both theoretical understanding and practical implications for organizations seeking to enhance their innovation capabilities and improve performance measurement through the Balanced Scorecard framework.

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Aziz, T. N., Tajarahim, N. A., Fadzilah, N. S. M., & Azis, T. M. F. (2024). Fostering Innovation Leadership Culture and Balanced Scorecard Performance in Life Insurance Agencies: Insights from Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(9), 105–112.