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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Scoping Review of Research on Factors Influencing Pre-Service Teachers’ Teacher Identity

Changli Yuan, Norazah Abdul Aziz , Ahmad Zulfadhli Khairuddin, Xiaotong Sun, Haihang Zhang

Open access

This study provides a review of 30 studies to identify factors influencing pre-service teachers’ teacher identity. These studies were published in English-written, peer-reviewed articles from 2003 to 2023 mainly in three electronic databases: Web of Science, Scopus, and ScienceDirect. After a qualitative analysis of the data, factors influencing pre-service teachers’ teacher identity were classified into four main types, namely prior experience and learning, personal characteristics, context and learning communities. It helps teacher educators understand the formation of pre-service teachers' identities and the factors influencing it. Additionally, it provides insights for educators and pre-service teachers on the importance of teacher identity development and its influencing factors. However, many studies appear to follow the same trend of highlighting positive outcomes, ignoring negative results, and minimizing difficulties in examining pre-service teachers' perceptions of identity as teachers. The review study indicates that teacher education programs should consider both the positives and negatives of influencing factors in nurturing teacher identity of pre-service teachers.

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