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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Supply Chain Agility on Operational Performance in Dairy Companies in Jordan

Fuad Hatem Shelbayeh , Suzan Saleh Darwazeh

Open access

The study focused on examining how various dimensions of supply chain agility—speed, responsiveness, flexibility, and efficiency—influence operational performance factors such as quality, cost, and delivery in Jordanian dairy manufacturing companies. Utilizing a descriptive-analytical approach, the research encompassed five companies, with (285) electronic questionnaires distributed to managers and (245) valid responses retrieved for analysis through SPSS software. The results showed significant statistical support for the agility-performance model, with an F value of (241.06) and a p-value of (0.000), indicating that (57.3%) of operational performance variance could be attributed to agility factors. Correlation and determination coefficients were (0.757) and (0.573), respectively. Recommendations included improving response times to demand fluctuations through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and enhancing inventory management with strategies like Just-In-Time (JIT) to increase flexibility and operational efficiency.

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