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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Moderating Effect of Social Support on Emotional Exhaustion and Flourishing among Academicians in Pakistan

Quratulain Memon, Irma Yazreen Binti Md Yusoff

Open access

Flourishing refers to a state of high well-being, marked by optimal functioning and positive emotions (Fabricio et al., 2022). It involves developing positive human qualities that lead to an optimistic outlook on life and greater job satisfaction (Rehal &Nieuwerburgh, 2022). Research indicates that flourishing improves work outcomes, including increased productivity and reduced turnover (Freire et al., 2020). The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model (Demerouti et al., 2001; Bakker & Demerouti, 2017) suggests that job resources, such as social support, can help reduce the negative effects of workplace stress on employee well-being.This study examines the role of social support from coworkers, supervisors, and organizations in buffering emotional exhaustion, which negatively impacts flourishing, particularly in the higher education sector. Data was collected via an online survey from 750 academicians across Pakistan. The analysis revealed that social support significantly moderates the relationship between emotional exhaustion and flourishing. Support from colleagues, department heads, and organizations enables academicians to cope with workplace demands, promoting well-being and productivity.The study concludes that strengthening social networks is essential to reduce emotional exhaustion and enhance flourishing, particularly in resource-constrained institutions like Pakistani universities. By fostering supportive environments, these organizations can improve productivity and retention rates. The findings emphasize the importance of creating positive workplace cultures to sustain employee well-being and performance.

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