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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Effect of Using Video in Teaching to Acquire Content Knowledge in Physical Education—A Systematic Review

Sun Zhao, Borhannudin Bin Abdullah, Hazizi Bin Abu Saad, Wang Qiuyao

Open access

While studies have indicated that using videos can promotes students' acquisition of Content Knowledge, there is disagreement about whether this method can be implemented in traditional physical education classroom settings. Additionally, research on the use of videos in physical education to acquire knowledge across the two domains of Content Knowledge has not been thoroughly conducted. Therefore, a systematic review of literature on the use of videos in physical education was undertaken. The results showed that the use of videos had different effects on the two forms of Content Knowledge (Common Content Knowledge and Specialized Content Knowledge), with most studies indicating positive outcomes in knowledge acquisition. Furthermore, most studies also reported a high level of acceptance for this approach.

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